Project Leader
Chang, Chiung-Chih 張瓊之教授, Department of General Neurology and Institute for Translational Research in Biomedicine Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Chang Gung University College of Medicine Kaohsiung Taiwan.
Clinical Core
Ching-Kuan Liu 劉景寬教授, Kaohsiung Medical University 高雄醫科大學
Pei-Ning Wang 王培寧教授, Department of Neurology, Veterans General Hospital-Taipei 台北榮總神經內科
PET core
Tzu-Chen Yen 閻紫宸教授 , Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Center, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 林口長庚分子影像中心
Kun-Ju Lin 林昆儒博士 , Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Center, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 林口長庚分子影像中心
Ing-Tsung Hsiao 蕭穎聰博士, Department of Medical imaging & Radiological Sciences and Healthy Aging Reserach Center, Chang Gung University, 長庚大學醫學影像暨放射科學系/健康老化中心
MRI core
Cheng-Hong Toh 杜振豐教授, Department of Radioloty, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 長庚放射影像診療部
Jung-Lung Hsu 徐榮隆教授, Department of Neurology, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 林口長庚神經內科
Supported by 北醫放射診斷部陳震宇教授、台大電機系鍾孝文教授、中研院劉長萱教授
Statistic core
Chang-jui Fu 傅昶瑞, Resource Center for Clinical Research Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. 長庚紀念醫院北院區臨床試驗中心資訊統計組組長
Biomarkers and Genetics Core
Chaur-Jong Hu 胡朝榮教授 Shuang Ho Hospital 臺北醫學大學醫學系神經學科,署立雙和醫院神經科主任

台北醫學大學, 行政院衛生署雙和醫院, Shuang Ho Hospital
三軍總醫院, Tri-service General Hospital
新店耕莘醫院, Cardinal Tien hospital
林口長庚, Chang Gung Memorial University Hospital-Linkou
Hospital list updated on 2011-04-21
For more information, please contact Dr. Yen Tzu-Chen: